What's been happening?

Year 10 Mock Interviews 

By Careers Department


During the last week of Term 3 our Year 10 students participated in a Mock Interview program run in conjunction with OELLEN (Outer Eastern Local Learning & Employment Network) 


We extend a massive 'Well Done!' to all students involved. The feedback was terrific as seen in the following comments.


"The students went really well today and I was very impressed with the effort taken to be appropriately dressed. Many had clearly prepared for the interview which was great.  It was lovely to meet all these young people; they were a delight and a credit to their school." 
"All the students were polite young adults who should be proud of themselves for having participated in the interviews. Mock interviews, just like real interviews, can be very scary, as you're out of your comfort zone. The students all handled this really well. "
"Julian presented very well, he is confident, friendly and a good communicator. He provided some good answers to the questions. His letter was the best one I saw in the students I interviewed, it was well written with clear paragraphs depicting his suitability with examples of his abilities. Well done!"

BHCS Platypulse Team Through To KVB Finals 

By Allen Dickson ( Enrichment coordinator)


Although this tumultuous year has meant limited progress in the development of the Platypulse (a student-led initiative to monitor water quality in the Monbulk Creek), the project is still moving forward and has made it through to the finals of the Keep Victoria Beautiful 'Sustainable Cities' Competition.


Initially devised as our entry in the Thales-YRTS Sensor Competition (runners-up prize), The Shire of Yarra Ranges was so impressed with the students' entry that they received an Australia Day Award in January of this year for young environmental achievement. Earlier this year they also nominated us to be entrants in this KVB competition. There are hundreds of entries each year in various categories from extremely well-funded Corporate Environmental initiatives through to shoestring community groups.


Way back in May, I filled in all the forms, fully expecting that we wouldn't progress to the interview stage – but we did – and last week the Platypulse Team (Molly R, Mitch B, Josh T, Josh N, Mr Scott and myself) had an interview with the Judges.


The students were erudite, informed and genuinely excited to talk about what they have done and where they envisage the project going in the future (post-COVID). Once again they represented the school superbly and their passion for the environment was evident. This is in part due to the legacy of our Enviro and Robotics programs over many years.


I was thrilled to receive an email stating that the students had progressed to the finals. We shall see where all of this lands in November, but the experience that the students gained and their pride in representing the school have been rewarding in and of itself.

Photo taken prior to restrictions
Photo taken prior to restrictions


Yesterday, our wonderful Year 12 students gathered to complete the GAT, a major assessment for all students completing Unit 3&4 subjects. Students had a chance to briefly reunite with their peers, enjoying a delicious lunch of hot pies and donuts.