Truth to bank on
By Matthew Edwards (Junior School Chaplain)
Truth to bank on
By Matthew Edwards (Junior School Chaplain)
Romans 8:34 “Christ Jesus…is also interceding for us.”
Has this year left you feeling hopeless? That there is nothing or no one who is there to help you and that you are at the end of your tether?
During this period of isolation I could not help but think back to certain people in Christian history and the devastating times that some of them faced. And yet, they stood firm with hopeful and peaceful hearts. They were still strong despite their difficult times.
Why is this?
I believe it is because they held tightly to the truth that is shown to be in God.
This verse in Romans hopefully is not an obscure one for you. But I want you to sit with it for a bit.
Jesus is praying with God, for those who believe in him and believe in what he came to do on earth. Have you considered this before?
Part of the passage that surrounds and comes before this verse, states that there will be suffering in this life. But, that if God works for a person, then who can be against them?
And it also asks if there is anything that can separate that person from the love of Jesus?
Could suffering do it? No way! Nothing can.
These are truths that we can BANK on, because they are true about God. My prayer for you in this time is that you might know the power and the comfort of God.
And if you don’t know God, and you want to know His comfort, I do encourage you to speak to somebody who does. There might be someone you know in your life, or at the school. Please reach out.
May you find strength in hope, as you persevere through this time of suffering. And may you know the love that God has for each and every one of you.