Congratulations to this lovely group of Preps who were awarded certificates for showing kindness to others. The comments on the certificates said that the children showed kindness helping each other in the classroom and making sure children had friends to play with in the playground. They have been acknowledged for including others, participating in all activities in the classroom and chatting with many and different prep children.

Well done and congratulations




Week 5 in Prep saw many children having a wonderful time in the playground making new friends and playing new games. We have been working on “sharing” in our classrooms and the playground. These children have received certificates for sharing this week. Well done 




The prep children had lots of fun in our mathematic lessons during the week.

As part of our Measurement and Geometry unit, we have been exploring 2D shapes and looked at where we see them in everyday life. The children have been recognising 2D shapes around our classrooms and sorting the different shapes according to their properties. 

They have used different craft materials to make pizzas and recorded the number of 2D shapes used as the ‘toppings.’ The pizzas looked delicious and very colourful. 

We encourage prep parents to point out 2D shapes you can see around your neighbourhood to link the skills developed at school with home experiences.