Grade 1/2



Over the past few weeks, we have been focussing on 'Data' in our non-number math sessions. Students have learned about different ways to collect and present data (information). Some of the data we have collected has included our class favourite ice-creams, favourite mini beasts, most popular class pets and favourite juice flavour. The students have loved collecting information from their peers, using tally marks to record their results and then graphing the information in pictographs and bar charts. 

Making bar charts using unifix
Making bar charts using unifix

Reader's and Writer's Workshops

In our literacy sessions we have been focussing on recounts and making sure we include the 5w's in our writing - 'where', 'when', 'who', 'what, 'why',  as well as a 'feeling' in order to bring our writing to life and make it interesting for the reader. 


We have also listened to many lovely story picture books and then retold the story in our own words paying close attention to what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Students produced some beautiful reading responses to "Anemone Is Not The Enemy" as well as several other picture books.