Parish News

'We are committed to the safety, wellbeing and dignity of all children and vulnerable adults.'

To access the latest St Anthony's Noble Park Weekly Bulletin please click here

RCIC Program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) Baptism for school aged children

Program for 2022 will begin Saturday 5th March at 9.30am for children to receive the Sacrament of Baptism at school age. 

This will involve two meetings during the school term (both parent and child required to attend) and a workbook to complete.

We encourage you to attend Mass each week during the program where the children will participate in Children’s Liturgy.  A minimum of 3 Masses must be attended. 


If you have any questions or are interested please contact the Resurrection Parish office.

Marj Sjostorm or Leai Savea-Passi.