MLA News

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” — Chinese Proverb

Linking LLF & Literacy 

Earlier this term MLA looked at similes, which are a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind. We are learning about similes so we can make our writing more engaging or vivid. In our classes we brainstormed both nouns and adjectives that we connected to God and then made links between them to create similes, for example ‘God is safe like a boat’.  The students then created their own list of similes to describe God. 


In this learning the students demonstrated a range of our St. Joseph the Worker School Dispositions. In particular, they displayed creativity by thinking of engaging and unique similes to describe God. Some students also displayed curiosity as they used a thesaurus to find and use more interesting words in their writing.