JLA News

Our Special Visitors!

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had some special visitors to the Junior Learning Area...some baby chickens!

We were lucky enough to see the chicks' begin their life cycle hatching from an egg in the incubator and then running around in the enclosure as little chicks. That was very exciting!

We also got to have a cuddle with our new little friends. For a lot of us, it was the first time we have ever held a chick! It was a little bit scary but we were brave and tried it anyway.

Exploring the chicks has helped us to work on our skills when writing descriptive texts. We had to brainstorm things we saw, heard and felt. We used this plan to write fantastic descriptive texts! Have a look below.


Then we got to take on the identity of a chick and write about what the experience would have been like for them.


I learnt in the egg there is fluid and I learnt the life cycle. - Alexia A JLA1

I enjoyed looking at the chicks and holding them. - Marcelo P JLA1

We learnt their life cycle. - Milan G JLA1

I enjoyed holding the chicks and watching them hatch in the incubator. - Dash P JLA2

I felt excited because they looked so cute. - Joshua V JLA2

I enjoyed getting to hold the chicks and they snuggled up to me. - Lachlan K JLA2

They were fun because they kept on running around. - Emma F JLA3

I enjoyed holding them because they were really soft. - Marley L JLA3

They were really fluffy and cute and I really enjoyed that. - Jaxon S JLA3