I Need Someone To Yell At Me!

By Anita Little  (Discovery Centre Manager) 

Frank*, a friend of mine, is a support worker in the disability sector. When he starts working with a new person, they spend some time discussing what he will do to support them in their daily lives. It might be driving to appointments, working on a puzzle, cooking or support running - it could be anything at all.


The other day, he was pulling out weeds for Raya. She is not easily able to do tasks that require physical strength and dexterity, and needs someone to help with the gardening. They had worked in the cool of the morning with the usual good-humoured banter… 


“The weeds are growing faster than you are pulling them”


“Try to get that mulch on the garden bed, not the path!”


As the hot sun peered over the trees, Raya went inside for a break and Frank continued to weed. Half an hour later, he heard the start of more banter from the kitchen:


“Fraaaank… O Fraaaank”


“What is it O Rayaaaa?”


“I NEED SOMEONE TO YELL AT ME! I am tired and this is hard work and I don’t want to do it, but I know I need to. So get yourself going and tell me to move that mulch and don’t stop until I do it!”.


For the next hour, Frank coaxed, encouraged and affably ordered Raya about until she finished the job.


This made me laugh. It also brought to mind some words written about Jesus:


He won’t break off a bent reed
    or put out a dying flame,
but he will make sure
    that justice is done.
All nations will place
    their hope in him
 (Matthew 12:20-21 CEV) 


I love this because I am not exactly perfect. And there is something powerful when we have someone who knows our mistakes, failures and complete lack of motivation, and still sees us as valuable enough to yell at - no giving up, no judgment (and maybe even a cheeky bit of fun).


*names changed