Parents & Friends 

🐣 Easter is fast approaching, and so is our annual Easter Raffle. Do you have any unwanted baskets lying around the house that you would be willing to donate for our Easter Raffle Hampers? Or something similar that we can use to make gift hampers with? Baskets can be left at the office, or can be dropped off at my house. 

We are also starting to collect donations of Easter chocolate and treats to fill the baskets with. They can also be left at the office. 

If you’ve sold all your raffle tickets and want more, there are spare tickets available at the office. 


🥣 If you are finding yourself struggling financially during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jess who is our Community Services Representative. She will maintain the strictest of privacy and can help with getting food on the table for your family. 

Similarly, if you find yourself in a secure financial place at the moment, you might like to reach out to Jess to see how you can provide confidential support to others in our community. You can email Jess at:


🎂 Last week’s Junior & Senior Cake Raffle was supplied by the Rosthorn family. Thank you very much Lisa for your mammoth effort. The two raffles raised $44.40 last week. 


🍞 Bakers Delight at Brentford Square are keen to supply us with Hot Cross Buns for the end of term. Last week an order form came home, but if yours is misplaced, there are spares at the office. Each 6 pack of Hot Cross Buns sold will earn $2.50 for the school. They’ll be distributed on the second last day of term - perfect to have on hand for school holiday snacks! 


👍🏻 If you haven’t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:

Please remember to answer the 2 questions when you request to join. 


📪If you would like more information regarding the Parents & Friends community, the email address is or you can find me through the Parent Facebook Group. 



Flip McKinnon

Parents & Friends Co-ordinator