Pupil of the week

These awards will be given out in the classroom during the virtual assembly

2022 Pupil of the week




Zach- for trying to be such a fantastic helper to everyone in FA! Thank you so much Zach!

Axel- for the way you always follow the 'Golden Rule' in our classroom. We are lucky to have you as part of our FA team Axel!


Charlotte - for being a respectful and responsible member of the class.

Well done Charlotte!

Kane - for the confidence you showed in presenting your “Me in a bag”.

Congratulations Kane!


Debbie - for always being brave and willing to give things a go. Well done Debbie! 

Amelia - for your growing confidence in the classroom. Great job presenting your “Me in a bag”!


Mason D - for taking on his role as ‘Wildlife Warrior’ with pride and confidence.

Ava B - for always showing her personal best within her school work as well as when playing with friends.


Austin S - For fabulous, engaging writing this week. You included a character, setting, problem, and solution. Great job!

Hailey C - For using initiative around the classroom, looking for ways to be helpful.

1 B

Levi G - For being a helpful and caring member of our class. Thank you for showing the Kalinda values. 

Rose W  - For her fabulous listening. Always demonstrating ‘treat others as you would like them to treat you.’


Maeve R - for always being a kind and thoughtful member of our class who includes others and helps out.

Stefan D - for working so hard on reading new books. You are a reading superstar!


Lucy A -  for always completing her personal best in all tasks. You're shining your way through Grade 2! 

Hamish V- for always finding new and interesting facts during Read To-Self time and then sharing them with his class. Awesome work!


Sade -What a great start to the year Sade. You always try your best in all the tasks that you undertake. Keep up the great work Sade!

Flynn M - Flynn you are such a positive member of 2S.

Your Free Writing ideas have been excellent.

Keep up the great work!

3BZoe D -  for her amazing empathy and support for her fellow classmates. 

Brooke G - for ALWAYS making strong choices and being a great role model for her peers.

Eden S - for showing initiative and making strong choices in the classroom. Keep it up!


Ethan P - For always being the first to lend a hand. You are a kind and thoughtful person.

 Bonnie H - For the wonderful, clever answers you give in class. You always speak so well.


Willow C - For being such an inclusive and empathetic member of our class who is happy to work with everyone.

Katherine K - For your organisation and passion during Cooking. Thank you for being so thorough and ensuring everybody was being looked after!


Crystal L – for seeking help to workshop her story plan when starting Narrative writing this week.

Harrison P – for using his initiative and researching many facts about the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.


Leon Z- For always looking out for others in the classroom. You have such caring and kind solutions to help your peers feel at ease.

 Ruby B - for your excellent Story Mountain Plan. You really had a clear and detailed outline of where your narrative was going.


Fraser G - For the thoughtful way you put other's needs before your own during PITW Games. Awesome leadership skills!

Kai W - For the thoughtful way you put other's needs before your own during PITW Games. You are incredibly kind and show excellent initiative which helps all your classmates.


Ivan Y - For going above and beyond within the classroom. He can always be relied upon to contribute to class discussions and behave within the classroom in a positive manner. 

Asher M - For showing bravery during PITW games stepping into the unknown which is often uncomfortable. The braver you are, the more we learn about ourselves and others.  


Sam M - for always making sure everyone is included and encouraging his peers to do the same.

Adeline D - for being a role model to her peers, showing kindness and respect to all.


Lily M - for her thoughtful and mature approach to her learning in maths.

Declan C - for being kind, thoughtful, and generous with his time. 6B loves having you as a member.


Gus J- for doing an amazing job conducting the class meetings as our chairperson. 

Leah P- for conducting thorough research and taking detailed notes for her writing. 


Curtis H- For sharing his impressive computer skills with the grade and giving his own time to teach others.

Dougie H- For his thoughtful contributions, for taking on challenges, and for always trying his personal best.

Performing ArtsCharlie D 3RL For paying close attention to details and noticing how the Woiwurrung lyrics in Wurundjeri music informs the dances what to do 
Visual ArtsIsla M 1B For helping a classmate to make good choices when they were out of the classroom.
PECaitlyn C 4W For being so kind and thoughtful while helping others in her class during Physical Education lessons.