Specialist Subjects

PE . Auslan . Art


Our P.E sessions have started with more enthusiasm as ever! It’s great to see our community back from holidays ready to rip into another term of solid achievements. Our prep students are continuing to consolidate their throwing skills with a greater focus on how we receive the ball with a catch. Our grade 1/2 students will begin by further developing their skipping skills, working in a larger rope spun by others as well as working independently in their own smaller rope. Finally, our grade 3 - 6 students will start a Volleyball unit where skills such as setting and serving will be the main focus before moving into gameplay and learning certain rules.


Middle/Senior Cross Country

It was a beautiful sunny day for our Grade 3 - 6 students when completing their Cross Country races at Officer Recreation Reserve. The high level of determination as well as solid encouragement for one another within each race was superb and our staff couldn’t be more proud! 


Alongside our Cross Country race we also give the opportunity for students to decorate their race name tag. A special mention to the following students who were awarded winners of the most creative design, Congratulations Catalina, Patrick M, Ryder, Victoria, Charli M, Jamo, Hannah and Jordan.



AFL Clinics

First week back we were lucky enough to receive some AFL Clinics where basic handballing and kicking skills were practised. We have a strong following of various teams throughout the school and love to make the most of these opportunities when they arise. Thank you to our teaching staff for being so flexible with their work programs to allow extra time for our community to get outside and be active!



In LOTE, we have begun by revising important things from Term 1 and are starting to expand on these skills such as incorporating fingerspelling and colours into new topics. Our main focuses for this term will be around family & where we live.