What's Happening in Lower Division?

Miss Georgia Brown and Miss Kirrily Hahn

English and Mathematics 

Lower Division have been engaged and enjoyed units adapted by the new K-2 Syllabus during Term 1. LD made spoon characters, had quotation pasta parties, wrote rhymes, published their work on CANVA and plenty have participated in other learning. The units will be continued into Term 2, with the main focuses on characters, narrative writing and imagery. LD will read some beautiful rich texts such as, All Through the Year (Godwin J &Walker A, illus.), A Year on Our Farm (Matthews P & McLean A, illus.), The March of the Ants (Dubosarsky U & Riddle T, illus.),these are just a few of the texts we will be exploring. 

LD have worked hard during Mathematics in Term 1 exploring shapes, discussing measurement, learning new games and collecting data. We will continue to explore the K-2 Mathematics Syllabus during Term 2. In addition to the units LD will be focusing on their subitising, place value and number sense. 



The Geography unit for Term 2 is People Live in Places. In this unit will look at places; their place, different places, special places and places they belong to. We will explore how different cultures look after places and locate places on maps. 


Week 5 (22/05/2023)- Send a picture of your child/child’s favourite place to Miss Brown, please. 



In Term 2, LD will focus on the key question “How do I keep myself and others safe?”. LD will investigate safe and unsafe features of specific environments and explore actions to enhance their own and others’ safety and well-being. Through PE students will develop help-seeking skills and adopt strategies to help keep themselves and others safe.



The students have enjoyed experimenting in Science with Ms Hahn. Ms Hahn will continue Science with LD in Term 2 focusing on Material World. LD will investigate how the properties of materials determine their use in design solutions. They will learn to investigate, plan and design using a variety of materials. 



LD have been working towards publishing some items of their work using different platforms. LD worked with their buddies to join a Google Classroom and CANVA to publish their writing. We look forward to showing our technology skills throughout Term 2. 


Visual Art 

We have adapted the units of work to create artworks this term, see below some fantastic artworks we have created. We were lucky enough to have Paula Jenkins, a local artist visit Rocky River in Term 1 and Term 2 to help us explore how we were feeling and draw an idol/favourite person, a self-portrait and create a masterpiece using clay. LD will continue to investigate different art techniques and artists throughout Term 2. 


Music will continue with Jess in Term 2. We are currently learning the song Underneath the Mango Tree and we look forward to sharing this with everyone.


A few changes- 

This term in LD there will be a few changes to focus on our main goals. We will continue to do News, however this will be in Week 5 and Week 9 with a topic talk. During this time we will discuss the purpose of questions, statements and appropriate feedback. This also allows LD to work on our handwriting and spelling activities. 

Topic Talks- can develop a PowerPoint, bring pictures, a toy character or something completely different. 

Week 5- What is your favourite movie and why? 

Week 9- Would you rather go to the beach or snow? 


Homework will be similar however; it will include an added component of Mathematics and Handwriting. 


We look forward to a great Term 2, exploring, investigating, publishing, discussing and much more. If you have any questions or queries, please let me know. 


Have a great term! 
