6 TG

Aboriginal Survival Technology Incursion 

Last Wednesday the students engaged in an Incursion that allowed them to understand more about our Aboriginal culture. 



Over the past fortnight, the students have been learning about Time. They were asked to use the data provided to create a timetable for 3 astronauts, making sure that their timetables didn't clash. The students took up the challenge and did a fantastic job working in teams.

This week we have started our Place Value topic. Students will begin learning about prime, composite, squared, and triangular numbers. Next week we will delve into integers, in particular negative numbers. 


Leadership teams 

The grade 6 leaders have been completing many tasks over the past few weeks for their role. We are really proud of how they have handled different situations and used their initiative and creativity. 

Some leaders have started lunchtime clubs, where they are working with other students in the school. 

Miss Georgia watched as the card club ran last week and all she could see was smiling faces and the grade 6 leaders really thriving in this opportunity. 

Keep up the great work!


 Winter Sports

Tomorrow we head over to Frankston East for our first Winter sports match. We have 2 netball teams and 2 soccer teams playing. We are very excited for these practice matches to get ourselves ready for the Lightening Premiership that is happening in week 7 of Term 2. Good Luck to everyone playing !