Foundation Students

Celebrating our fabulous Foundies!


Most of our Foundie students are taking home our new decodable readers. It has been so wonderful to see them independently blend words to read sentences. We are reminding them to make sure they are using their finger to point under each word as they read so that they know what they are reading and not guessing. This also helps when they are stuck on a unfamiliar word, they point at each letter/sound (to sound out) then slide their finger across to blend the word. We have sent the 'What to do if I get stuck?’ sheet home as a reminder. 


In maths, students have continued learning and exploring teen numbers through fun activities and games! Such as Teen Bingo, making boards, beading, handwriting boards, ordering puzzles and Tic-Tac-Teen! See below for some action shots! Students have been learning that all teen numbers start with a 1 and that 1 means a group of 10! 


We have been very lucky in Foundation as we have been participating in the 'Hello Yoga' incursion. Our yoga teacher Nat has visited us twice already this term. She has taught us some great yoga poses and ’The Yogi Pokie’. Students have really enjoyed her sessions and have been excited to try some of the things they have learnt in the classroom as well. Attached to last week’s Compass feed you will see a handout which is a summary of what they completed in their session last week. Keep an eye out in the next Compass update for more!