Term 2 Calendar
- 3rd -5th May - 9/10 Intro to Outdoor Education Camp
- 15th May - Glenelg District Cross Country
- 17th-19th May - Year 11 Tertiary Experience
- 22nd May - Investiture
- 24th May - Year 8 Gunditjmara Country excursion
- 26th May - Student Free Day
- 29th May - 2nd June Year 8 Bogong Camp
- 12th June - King's (Monarch's) Birthday
- 13th - 16th June (Wk 8)- Year 9 Melbourne Experience
- 13th - 23rd June (Wk 8&9) - Year 10 Work Experience
- 23rd June - End of Term 2, 2.30pm dismissal.