This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
We had a lovely celebration of First Eucharist on Saturday for approximately half of our Year Four students and are looking forward to the rest of our Year Four students celebrating their First Eucharist this Saturday. Thank you to all parents and staff who supported the students on Saturday.
COVID Update
As you are aware, we have had a few positive cases recently. These have been mainly in the Year Four area with a couple in Prep and Year Two.
Please keep up the vigilance in helping protect your children and other community members safe and free of the virus. We have a few RATs and plenty of masks and sanitiser you may collect from the office if you nee .
The regulations state that school community members who return a positive RAT result must stay home for 5 days and return if they have no symptoms after the 5 days.
Mothers Morning Tea Next Monday
Monday 15 May 8.30am - 9.30am - Mothers Morning Tea following Mothers Day in the Community Centre. This will be an opportunity for any mums or special friends available to come along and socialise together over a cuppa and some morning tea. We will have a brief presentation led by some of our students.
Farmyard News
Thank you for the wonderful families who have volunteered to look after our chickens this term. We are in need of a few more families to fill our empty spots. If you are able to assist, please email Michelle on with your available weekend and include the name and year level of your child/ren. Remember it is only the chickens, no goats.
Sat 29th and Sun 30th April | Dustin & Andrea Archer (Harriet 5P & Hugo 3K) |
Sat 6th & Sun 7th May | Paul & Sarah Williams (Eli PO) |
Sat 13th & Sun 14th May | James & Deanne Wingate (Oliver 3K & Isaac 1C) |
Sat 20th & Sun 21st May | |
Sat 27th & Sun 28th May | |
Sat 3rd & Sun 4th June | Paul & Mary Brockhoff (Bethany 6C & Zane 4B) |
Sat 10th, Sun 11th & Mon 12th June | |
Sat 18th & Sun 19th June |
Second Hand Uniform
We are in need of second hand uniform items as we are currently low on stock, particularly dresses, sports tops and jumpers . If you have any clothing in good condition that you are able to donate back to the school it is greatly appreciated.
Book Fair - change of date
Please note that the Book Fair date has changed to Term Two - Friday 21st to Wednesday 26th July. More information will be sent out later in the Term.
Marathon Club
Marathon Club is running on Wednesday morning's for those able to volunteer, remember you need to have completed our Volunteer process and summited your details via the Operoo permission form to assist. Any questions, please contact Michelle in the office.
A few other updates
- Our final Open Day is on Wednesday 17th May. If you know of anyone who may be thinking of sending their child to St James, please let them know. If you are a current family at St James and have a child starting school next year, please send in your application form by Friday 19th May to ensure there is a place for your child. See attached 2023 SJV Enrolment Form.
- Friday Lamingtons - a reminder that lamingtons will be 3 for $1 from this Friday.
I hope you all have a great week and Happy Mothers Day to all of our mums for Sunday.