From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families

I hope you had a peaceful Easter and you were able to enjoy some time with family and friends over the break.


Yesterday we remembered all military men and women who have served or are serving for Australia.  ANZAC Day is a time to reflect on war, to honour those who have been required to serve in it, to empathise with those who have lost family members and to those who have had their lives destroyed due to their experiences of war.  The continuing war in Ukraine is evidence of the costs of war on people whose lives were much like ours before the fighting began. Hopefully this and all wars will soon cease so we can all live in a peaceful world. 


I would like to thank our children and families who participated in the Sunbury RSL commemorative service. It was wonderful to see our school represented. Thank you to all our children who marched and participated in the Commemorative Service.I would also like to thank our staff members, Elizabeth Grieve and Narelle Coughlan who assisted on the day.


On Monday our staff participated in a professional development day facilitated by Denise Arnell. The focus was on our faith development where we focussed on Jesus’ life early in his ministry, His life and stories and the Church from Pentecost onwards. 


This term there are many exciting things that are happening in our classes. 


Our Year 6 children will be Confirmed at St Patrick’s Cathedral, attend their camp at Camp Rumbug, competing in the Sunbury Schools Winter Sport competition later in the term.


Our Year Four children will begin their preparations to receive the Eucharist for the first time in Term Three. 


Our Prep children are learning about living and non-living things.  Students will develop an understanding on what living things are. Through observations and learning experiences students will learn about the life cycles of living things. 


Our Year 1 children are comparing their lives today to the ‘olden days’ with their unit, What Was Life Like In The Past. They will learn about different elements from the past from Guest Speakers and Excursion experience and compare how they have changed or stayed the same. They will look at what is similar and what is different when their grandparents were younger.


Year 2 classes will be answering the question - Can Animals Live Anywhere? They will learn that different animals live in different parts of the world and they have different features to be able to do this successfully. They will discover that humans need to protect these habitats. 


Our Year 3 children will be learning about What It Would Be Like To Live In A Different Country. They will learn that there are many different cultures in our world and they all have diverse celebrations and traditions.


Year 4 - 6 children will be completing their Term One Inquiry units and then begin their Genius Hour Projects.


A more detailed term overview for each level will be sent to you soon.


School Uniform

Our school uniform is our identity and it provides our children with a sense of pride that they belong to St Anne’s. Our children are now expected to wear their winter uniform. The winter uniform is; 


Winter tunic/maroon pants with light blue polo top (long or short sleeve)  Navy blue tights OR white socks  

School windcheater OR bomber jacket  


Light blue polo with school logo (short or long sleeve)  

Grey pants  

Grey socks with black shoes 

School windcheater/bomber jacket, school beanie (optional)  

Sports Uniform – to be worn on designated days  

Sport polo shirt  

Navy shorts or maroon tracksuit pants. White socks with appropriate sports shoes.


I would like to remind all parents that dyed hair is not acceptable and if hair is below the collar then it must be tied up.


Positive Behaviour For Learning - PBL


This term we begin focussing on Being Responsible. We are hoping our children will be dependable, make good choices and take accountability for their actions.  If our children are being responsible then they will look out for the wellbeing of others and understand that we all have a part to play in making St Anne’s the best school it can be. 

It is easy to presume our children will automatically acquire the skills to be responsible. However it is a complex process and personal and social responsibility needs to be taught and actively encouraged. The following are ways you can support your children at home.

  • Helping to develop their self awareness by understanding their likes, needs and feelings
  • Being aware of others, especially their feelings and perspectives
  • Always encouraging them to self regulate by staying calm and using the appropriate language to voice their feelings. 


God Bless