Middle School Report

Middle School News

As Term 1 finishes the Middle School Team would like to congratulate students for undertaking the core values of our school. We have seen Respect shown by many on activities within and outside the school, Creativity in classes and when asked to step up in extra curricular activities and Excellence in the level of work produced. We look forward to this continuing in the following Terms.

I wish everyone a safe and restful break, refreshed for Term 2.

Middle School Leaders

Thanks to our Middle School Leaders, Jasmine, Lachlan, Emily, Mitchell, Megan, Sean and Jordan who have constantly stepped up this term. From representing the school at events, to working behind the scenes to improve different aspects of the school that affect the students. Looking forward to their drive and motivation for next Term.

Year 7

Last week we had the opportunity for our Year 7 students and parents to have our annual afternoon tea. This is when the staff of Year 7 can talk to the parents about general matters, the students can show their parents their locker and how 'clean' they are keeping it and celebrate all the achievements from transitioning into Secondary School. 

I would also like to say thank-you to Samantha and Miguel, for speaking at the School's Open Night this week. They represented our school very well.

Year 8

The Year 8 Cohort, as with the year 7's took part in their first Inter-school sports for the Year. It was very pleasing to hear so many teams were able to go out and represent our school with some winning teams going to the next level. Thanks for the teachers and older students behind the scenes who had training sessions before the day and worked with all the students on the day to make it successful.


Thanks for the review of Flipside, an event throughout the Year from Blake from .

Our school incursion titled ‘Flipside’ gave Year 8 and 9 students the opportunity to observe a Brainstorm Productions drama show about cyberbullying. We watched this in the new drama theatre.

The purpose of ‘Flipside’ was to communicate messages to young adults about the dangers of cyberbullying. The performance also gave us advice about how we can help prevent the spread of cyberbullying.

The storyline was about a young teen who had been sent threating blackmail messages. He struggles to find out what he has done wrong and who had sent the messages. In the beginning he fails to see his involvement in the situation and why sharing a ‘mash up’ about someone is hurtful. To bring about justice, he and another character investigate and attempt to correct wrong doing.

I personally thought this was educational because it was performed for us to learn to be careful about what we share and create on the internet.

Year 9

Our Year 9 students this week had the opportunity to go on an excursion for Humanities and visit beaches looking at landforms, rock formations and ecology. The students had a very successful day completing their tasks and filling in the booklets.


Mrs Melissa Robinson

Middle School Leader