
Numeracy in Theatre Studies

Recently I was invited into a Theatre studies class to see how they are using Numeracy as part of their studies.


Jack Thomson explained that when they do sound design, they use Audacity. Audacity is a program that you can use to help set up sound cues when you have to have absolute perfection with timing.

Thomas Bowley explained he uses numeracy in lighting, measurement of space, and measurement of time. When Tom draws a set design, he needs to use numeracy to make sure proportions are correct when drawing the floor plan.

Nyadeing Kier, Olivia Stones and Jade D’Angelo explained that they use Numeracy when designing costumes. They have a tight budget and need to make sure they measure the actors carefully using tape measures. They then need to make sure the costumes fit them correctly.


Isabelle Jones uses Numeracy for props, direction and comedic timing. She explains that props need to be in proportion to the rest of the set. Timing needs to be precise for entrance and exits. 

I thank the Year 12 Theatre Studies for allowing me in their class. Stay tuned to the next edition where I will visit a different Domain!


Michelle Galli

Numeracy Learning Specialist