
                      Don't get triggered, life's LIT!             

Spill the tea, sis.




The end of term has finally arrived. We made it. We survived.


It was a BIG term with a lot of tea spilling everywhere. Overall, we all had a GG.


So, what did I just say? I know what you are thinking, this new teacher who has come to our school is a little strange; a little left of centre. First of all, she seems to be physically unstable as she spills tea constantly. Secondly, she uses incoherent acronyms.


Tis all okay. Don’t get triggered.


Remember my purpose in this newsletter is to tell you all about the new vernacular that the students are using. My purpose is to close the gap and make sure we connect with the youth of today. In the same way adults connect every morning at work, around the water cooler, discussing the latest MAFs episode (let’s be honest we ALL do it!)


Here we go. Here are the definitions.


Spill the tea, sis: To shed light on a social situation and let it all out. An issue needs to be cleared up and you are more than happy to be open and upfront about all the details. You are going to spill the tea, sis!


GG: Good Game. There was a bit of confusion. The situation didn’t play out as well as you hoped. You tried your best at something, but results weren’t as pleasing. You know what? You gave it a shot. GG my friend. GG!


Try using these terms over the holidays with WHSC students. Let me know the reactions. I use them in class all the time and it is very successful. I have had 15 blank stares, 25 eye rolls, 12 head shakes, and 38 sniggers.




Claire Hanley

Literacy Learning Specialist