Primary School News

Primary students have been very busy attending lots of fun and interesting activities

From the Primary School

What’s happening to our children!


I read an interesting article on, of all places, Facebook (not normally a fan). An occupational therapist, through seeing hundreds of children, made these observations anecdotally but there is a growing body of evidence and research that is emerging to highlight a significant problem in society that affects our most precious resource, our children. There are so many children in a devastating emotional state. Teachers and professionals who have been working in the field for the last 15 years in particular, have concerns similar to the author of this article. Moreover, in the past 15 years, researchers have been releasing alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in kids’ mental illness, which is now reaching epidemic proportions:



Without trying to sound alarmist or accusatory it seems that the school system is not at fault and children are not born that way. The answer may lie with us as parents. It is scientifically proven that the brain has the capacity to rewire itself through the environment. Unfortunately, with the environment and parenting styles that we are providing to our children, we are rewiring their brains in a wrong direction and contributing to their challenges in everyday life. What we need to be and do is:

  • Be emotionally available parents
  • Clearly define limits and give guidance
  • Give responsibilities
  • Have a balanced nutrition and adequate sleep
  • Encourage movement and outdoors
  • Promote creative play, social interaction and opportunities for unstructured times


Unfortunately we sometimes fall into these traps of the following:


One thing I strongly encourage is giving children the opportunity to be bored. Yes, boredom is a good thing! From boredom comes creativity and imagination, something our children sometimes don’t get the opportunity to develop.


If you want to read more the article and can be accessed here:


There have been some interesting and stimulating incursions and excursions the boys have enjoyed this term including the visit to the ASO and the Museum both of which the boys raved about upon their return. The FYI Ed Inflatable Classroom, where science, technology, health and wellbeing are presented to the children in a fun and interesting way, is always a big hit. The Deadly Australians, where snakes, scorpions, box jellyfish, spiders and other creepy crawlies were displayed (and some handled!), provided for another enjoyable educational experience. Many more exciting things on the horizon.



Dates to remember:

22 June – Pupil Free Day

26 June – Primary Arts Night

27 June – NAIDOC Week Assembly (9:10am)

29 June – Whole School Mass (10:00am)

6 July – Assembly (Year 5/6V to present)

6 July – End of Term (1:00pm dismissal - OSHC available )

23 July – Staff Professional Development Day (Pupil Free Day)

24 July – Children start Term 3 


Mr Frank Ali