International students

Conversation Exchange
The Multicultural Club is running a conversation exchange every Friday in the International Student room.
Supported by Jocelyn Chang, EAL Learning Specialist and Year 9 student volunteers, this will help international students to improve their English speaking skills.
Everyone is having a great time with many joyous moments and smiles as they share their interests and quirks while getting to know each other.
Si Nian Feng
ISP coordinator
Cultural Diversity and Harmony Week
A full program of workshops, culinary treats and activities is planned when MGSC celebrate Cultural Diversity and Harmony Week. Students need to sign up for the workshops to reserve a place.
Tuesday 10 March
Ribbons and poster creation
Drawing anime/cartoons and origami workshops
Wednesday 11 March – Celebration Day
Lunchtime food stalls of Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, European, Indian and Chinese cuisine.
Collect a ticket to try ONE cuisine
Malaysian arts and crafts
Thursday 12 March
Henna workshop
Indian dancing
Friday 13 March
Cultural costumes to try on
Shuttle cock kicking comp
Daily quiz. Submit through Compass