Peer Support

Peer Support
We are at the halfway point of the Peer Support Program, where the Year 10 students mentor the Year 7 students. We have absolutely fantastic Year 10s this year, who have stepped up and taken on the role and responsibility of being leaders.
The Year 10 leaders are currently on their 4th session for Peer Support with two weeks of the program to go. The program is running smoothly with the entire Year 7 cohort participating for one session per week in fun activities and 'getting to know you' games. The Year 7s have been engaged and have enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know the school.
The Peer Support leaders went on camp last week for a night with the Year 7s and assisted in running various activities on camp. This was a new initiative we were trailing this year and feedback was that the leaders, Year 7s and teachers had such a great time and that it was a fantastic opportunity for our students to bond with the Year 10s and our leaders to step up and enhance their leadership skills.
Leona Thomson
Wellbeing Coordinator
Peer Support leader experience of camp
Overall, I really enjoyed the Year 7 camp. Going on camp as a Peer Support leader was amazing, and I highly recommend it to any Year 9 students considering doing it t next year!
As soon as we got there we jumped into two full-on days of activities. The activities consisted of archery, mini golf, the flying fox, low ropes, swimming, initiatives, wellbeing and we even got a turn on the giant swing! For the night time activities we held a mini Olympics and went on to do the secret activity, which the Peer Support leaders loved helping with! On the final day the we were there, we went gold panning! I hope everyone found some gold. If not I hope they enjoyed the water fight! After a bittersweet send off from the Year 7 students, the Year 10s were on our way back to school.
We all cherished the memories we made on the camp and really bonded with our Peer Support groups.
Chani Thomson (Year 10)