Student Leadership

Student Leadership program
Congratulations to our newest members of the Junior Leadership Team finalised during the Year 7 camp last week. All student leaders are reminded to regularly check their team classroom and emails for updates on meetings and upcoming events.
One of our overarching goals this year is the development of Student Voice, Agency and Partnerships. The addition of our Peer Support leaders to the Year 7 camp created an incredible opportunity to highlight the abilities of students as both leaders and partners with the Year 7s and staff. These students demonstrated not only leadership skills in various ways, but also maturity in their ability to recognise opportunities to initiate ideas and make them happen. Their contribution was greatly appreciated by staff and year 7 students.
All members of the leadership team, SRC and our College Captains will be attending the annual GRIP conference on March 16. This is a state-wide event and we are so fortunate to have been able to invite all of leaders from these teams (Years 9 to 12) and all our College Captains. Please check Compass details.
Wendy Harvey
Student Leadership & Engagement