School Council 

Council elections

All parents have been mailed ballot papers and candidate information for the selection of four representatives to Council.  Ballot papers need to be returned to the General Office by Wednesday 11 March.


Elections have been run for the student and staff representatives on the Council. The successful candidates will be announced after 11 March. 

February meeting report

It was all hands on deck at our first School Council meeting for 2020.  


We were so pleased to hear that we have 14 new staff joining us - many of them new graduates with endless energy and enthusiasm.  


2019 VCE results were discussed with some excellent outcomes, with 15% of our students receiving over 37 in English which is very positive.


The school is poised to commence building of the STEAM Centre which the School Council has championed for some years now. We are looking forward to seeing the new building take shape in the coming terms.


Another great new addition to MGSC is the new sports oval which is now being enjoyed by our students and will soon be open to others in the community for sporting events.  Between the new oval facilities and the changes to restrictions on hiring of our basketball facilities,  MGSC will be able to raise further funds to put into our amazing College and its students.


With Council elections looming, the next School Vouncil meeting will see a hand over of any positions that are currently up for election to possibly new members. Our amazing school office staff have the huge task of sending out ballot papers to all school families. 


On a personal note, as continuing President of School Council, I am excited to see what 2020 holds for MGSC.   


Rachael Angus

School Council President