College matters

Parent/Teacher/Student interviews
We are holding two separate Parent/Teacher/Student sessions in term 1, 2020. The first is for VCE students (this includes any Year 10 student studying a Year 11 subject) and will be held on Wednesday 18 March between 2pm and 6pm. Please note that period 1-3 classes will run on this day. There is no period 4 class. All students will be dismissed at lunchtime. If VCE parents are unable to attend this session, they may attend the second one.
Bookings open for students in Unit 3 subjects at 3.30pm on Friday 13 March.
Bookings open for students in Unit 1 subjects at 3.30pm on Monday 16 March.
The second session is for Year 7-10 students and will be held on Thursday 26 March between 1.30pm and 8pm, with a break between 5pm and 6pm. Please note that there are no scheduled classes on this day.
Bookings open for Year 7-10 students at 3.30pm on Friday 20 March.
VCE parents who were unable to attend the VCE interviews will have an opportunity to book an appointment at this session, on Tuesday 24 March from 3.30pm.
Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA)
2020 committee members elected at the AGM
President: Emma Walker
Vice President: Elizabeth Semmel
Secretary: Linda McIntyre
Treasurer: Rosa Ferrari
Next PFA meeting - Tuesday 21 April at 7pm. At the meeting we will be discussing:
- Open Night
- ideas for more social events, including a possible trivia night
All parents are welcome to attend.
Year 7 Family Welcome Picnic
Year 7 students and their families are invited to the welcome picnic. This is a great opportunity for Year 7 families to meet one another. This will be held on Thursday 19 March in the canteen courtyard from 6pm - 8pm. BYO picnic dinner and drinks. If you are unable to bring your own food, a sausage sizzle will also be available (as a fundraiser). There are tables and seats in the canteen courtyard, but families may wish to bring additional chairs. Senior Music students will be providing musical entertainment.
Parents will be able to park in the front carpark, accessed via Balcombe Roadd or the rear carpark accessed via Charman Road. Once spaces are full, parents will need to park on the street.
Winter uniforms
Bob Stewart Uniform Shop – Mentone has arranged four appointment days to fit your child for their winter uniform. The dates are:
Saturday 28 March 12.30pm to 4pm
Saturday 4 April 12:30pm to 4pm
Wednesday 8 April 4.30pm to 7pm
Tuesday 14 April 4.30pm to 7pm
(These dates are during school holidays.)
To avoid lengthy queues please call the Mentone Bob Stewart Uniform Shop on 9036 7367 to arrange an appointment. It takes approximately 15 minutes to fit your child with their uniform and complete the purchase. On open trading days families can expect to wait for a considerable time.
Winter uniforms must be worn in June, July and August.
Second-hand uniform shop
Hours: Tuesday 2.45-3.45pm and Friday 8.15-9.15am.
We are always looking for extra volunteers. Please contact the school if you are available to assist at either of these times.
MGSC Book Swap and Sell Facebook page
This page will close on Friday 6 March and will reopen in time for the 2021 booklist.
Carol Duggan and Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals