Wellbeing & RE News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
During Assembly this afternoon, we invited Stephen Costello from the local branch of St. Vinnies to come and receive a donation from our social justice captain, Ayisha.
She presented him with $95.60. This money was raised through the kind donations from our Sacred Heart families as a part of our Sacred Heart Feast Day late in Term 2.
St. Vinnies do such important work for our local community and it is great to be able to give to others and also establish even stronger links with our wider community.
Our next whole school assembly will be capably lead by the Grade Prep & Ones on
Thursday 11th August 2.40pm.
Take Care,
Kate Harris
Wellbeing & RE Leader
On the 1st of July, new Child Safe Standards were introduced in Victoria to further strengthen child safe environments and protect children from abuse.
These new standards replace the previous standards from 2016.
The staff have undertaken professional learning regarding these changes and will continue to do so on a regular basis during designated staff meetings throughout the term.
Further information will be provided in future newsletters however, the 11 new Child Safe Standards replace the seven 2016 Standards and principles.
New requirements include:
- involving families and communities in organisations efforts to keep children and young people safe,
- greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people,
- managing risks of child abuse in online settings,
- For greater clarity on the governance, systems and processes to keep children and young people safe.