Secondary Community News 

YEAR 7/8

Last week the 7/8s celebrated NAIDOC Week. The cohort explored Aboriginal Symbols and the meaning of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. This term students have also begun learning about different types of Matter. There are Solids, Liquids and Gases. The 7/8s are looking forward to participating in science experiments and wearing lab coats. We are also learning about measurement. We measured each other’s height using centimeters and informal measurements, such as MAB blocks.

From The 7/8 Cohort.

YEAR 9/10


What I would like to say about this cafe ... this term is a great place for us Year 9/10's to have experience.

When we created the "Hungry Jackson Cafe", we were thinking to make lovely meals for the staff members and prepare a room for them to sit, eat and enjoy the meals that we've created.

One that came from heaven is the "Angel Pasta:, and the "Pasta la Vista" with a delicious garlic bread.

Staff if you want the experience, come and join us and enjoy the ride!