Primary Community News

YEAR 1/2

The students of Year 1 /2 have been learning about different jobs that people have at school. In Literacy, the students have been reading the book ‘School Days’ and learning about the different people that work at Jackson School such as the principal, teacher, school nurse and caretaker. The students have been learning to form the letters correctly using lines and curves and making letter crafts. In Numeracy, we enjoyed ‘making cookies’ with playdough and sharing them equally. We are excited for the term ahead!

YEAR 3/4

YEAR 5/6

In 5/6 A we have been doing lots of fun hands-on activities. We have been busy learning about decoding new words, predicting, and making connections in literacy. In maths, we have been learning about measuring, money, division and multiplication (making groups of). We have been awarded many Jackpoints for our effort and converted these to (pretend) dollars to spend on treats and toys at the Jackpoints class shop.