Y9/10 Be a Vet

On Friday 5 August, our Year 9 and 10 Be a Vet students went to Melbourne Zoo to explore animal ethics. We investigated how zoos are supporting animals and their conservation programs, as well as discussing animals in captivity. Here are some student reflections about the day:


Last Friday our Year 9 and 10 ‘Be a Vet Class’ made our way to the Melbourne Zoo with our teacher Ms. Zhou and a helping hand from Mr. Walsh. I think I can speak for the whole class when saying that this was a very enjoyable and educational experience. We broke off into smaller groups and made our way around the Zoo at our own pace making sure to visit all of the beautiful animals. We then all met up at the orangutan enclosures and a very knowledgeable lady talked us through the diet, temperaments and personalities of these extraordinary creatures all while they cuddled and played with each other on the other side of the glass. We are so grateful to have gone on this awesome excursion, and have been able to see the smallest of butterflies to the largest of elephants.

Sienna F (Year 9 student)








On the Friday the fifth of August our class went on a trip to the zoo. We walked around as a group to the reptiles and frogs and then split up into small groups. Our group went to see the seals first, one of the seals was quite sad but the other seal was very happy and playing with a stick. After we saw the seals we went to the monkey and orangutan enclosure for a talk where the monkeys started to bark quite loudly. Once we saw the majority of animals we wanted to see we walked to the gate to go back to school.

Harry C (Year 9 student)

Ms Sophie Zhou
