Fare Share

On Thursday the 23rd of June, 9 Senior VCAL students and 3 staff went to Fare Share and cooked 1,152 sausage rolls for the homeless.

"We were asked to grab an apron and a hair net and wear it. We also got our own name tag. We were greeted by another worker at Fare Share, she was the one who was going to be instructing us throughout the excursion. We washed our hands, put on gloves and headed into the kitchen. We were instructed on how to make sausage rolls. Now it was our turn to make some sausage rolls and in total we made 1,152 sausage rolls for the less fortunate. After making the sausage roll we had recess. We got to eat some of the sausage rolls that we made. Back in the kitchen, we broke up some mushrooms with our hands then we cleaned up tables, wheeled the table out and swept the floors. After sweeping the floor it was time to go back to school."  Amy, Year 12 

All students felt great when they returned to school, because they had done something for someone else. It was a wonderful experience that the VCAL students were lucky to be able to do. Thank-you to the staff and volunteers at Fare Share for making this experience possible.