Rooms 1-13 School News
Primary and Middles Years
Rooms 1-13 School News
Primary and Middles Years
This Semester, we are implementing our Learning Key Improvement
Strategy, which is focused on Numeracy. It aims to support both those students who need extra support, and those who have thrived in numeracy. Our staff have engaged in some Professional Learning about teaching Numeracy. These sessions have been really worthwhile, and teachers and Education Support staff have been able to apply some of these strategies in their classrooms. Learning about numeracy at JSA can be very ' hands-on' and gives students real-life experiences with activities including recognising numerals, counting and using money. When students are ready, these skills are applied to more abstract ways of representing numbers, such as equations represented with numerals and signs.
Music is one of our specialist programs at JSA that students often find to be very engaging. It is also a very hands-on program where students have many opportunities to experiment with a variety of instruments. Our music teacher, Catherine, gives our students opportunities to choose the type of song, dance and instrument to enjoy.
Room 2 has been very busy this term! We celebrated 100 Days of School with the Room 1 preps a few weeks ago in the CLH. We had a special afternoon tea, dancing and colouring activities. When we haven't been working hard to complete work tubs for English and Maths, we have also continued to love our visits to the Stephanie Alexander garden and the library. Learning and playing in Room 2 is so fun! 🙂
This term Room 12 have enjoyed lots of game-based learning and social activities. We have been focusing on developing our teamwork skills through sharing ideas, listening to each other, working cooperatively and working towards a shared goal. We have utilised these skills in our weekly Lego club sessions, which we have enjoyed participating in. Another highlight of our term has been the visiting students from SEDA College, we enjoyed joining the sports activities they provided such as football, soccer, cricket and basketball.