Principal News Flash
(Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting )
Principal News Flash
(Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting )
Parent Requests - Class Lists 2023
A reminder that all parent requests for child regarding their preferred peers in their class and other important health and wellbeing considerations are to be submitted to their child's classroom teacher in writing (i.e handwritten or by email) by Monday, 29th August, 2022.
Victorian Pathways Certificate 2023
Starting next year, our current VCAL curriculum will transition to the new Victorian Pathways Certificate (or VPC). This new qualification will comprise of a new identical curriculum base.
All prior 2021 VCAL units completed will roll over into the VPC for 2023. It follows the structure of the '4 pillars of Applied learning':
Similar to our current VCAL offering, the new VPC Year 11 and 12 structure includes the following:
There is not ATAR score awarded for students upon completion of the 12 units.
It a highly flexible curriculum for our staff to plan and deliver learning over the 2 years.
For the VPC, students are not necessarily required to attend additional VET programs.
That said, many of our students will be keen to partake in our VET or SBAT programs to work towards obtaining additional qualifications, such as a Certificate II specific to an area of interest (i.e. creative industries, warehousing, hospitality or horticulture) and these can contribute to the number of units to be completed by each student.
In 2023, we intend to implement the VPC for those students in a similar class structure as Room 20 in VCAL using an assessment rubric that will determine each students' academic levels and personal and social skills to 1) meet the curriculum demands of the VPC and 2) effectively partake in collaborative group tasks or attend VET/SBAT programs offsite.
In 2023, all remaining students that may not meet these criteria, will continue to work towards achieving their Certificate of Individual Achievement. They will continue to strive to achieve their PLSP goals for Year 11 and 12 with the opportunity to partake in external programs to boost their employability skills; and built into their Career Action Plan.
We are keen to assess students' individual skills to provide opportunities that include their interests and to value-add their future aspirations in partnership with you in the SSG process.
Secondary Parent Information Night
In Term 4, we look forward to holding a 'Secondary Parent Information Night' to outline the 2023 Curriculum Pathways (including the VPC, CIA, VET programs, SBAT, Advance and other employment-based programs) to be implemented for our students.
We look forward to canvasing any important questions from our families so that you are well informed of the pathways we have on offer and how they can begin to provide you with a clear picture for your child's future. The date of this event is TBC and will be communicated to you in the coming weeks.
Semester 2 PLSPs
Following our recent round of ABLES assessments and SSG meetings, we will be revising your child's PLSP goals for Semester 2. All PLSPs will be distributed to families (via XUNO or mailed to you by request) by Friday, 16th September.
XUNO Family Access
I have received some feedback from teachers regarding some of our families having difficulty accessing XUNO Family platform. I simply ask that, when you have a moment, you contact either Julie or Lauren in the office to guide you through this process.
Once your access is established, all remaining steps should be quite easy to follow either on your phone, iPad or computer. Really keen to overcome these challenges to get us all connected and informed.
Thank you and take care, everyone!