Assistant Principal News Flash

(Excellence in Teaching and Learning)  










Stephanie Di Salvo


Girls Group

Our lovely Health and Wellbeing Officer Mariya, has been working with a group of female students to target health and wellbeing needs, with a particular focus on social skills. The students have been exploring how to be a good friend, how can we communicate our needs and how we say "no" when asked to do something we don't want to do. The students have expressed that they really enjoy the program and look forward to it each week! 

Well done Mariya and students! 




School Improvement Team Updates

On Monday 8th August, School Improvement Team Members met to complete the FISO Continua of Practice. The purpose of the FISO 2.0 Continua of Practice self-assessment is to support our school to prepare for school review, working with the school community, to undertake an in-depth exploration and validation of the practices that are impacting student learning and wellbeing outcomes. The three key reflective questions applied to each core element support our school to consider how our current practices impact outcomes, identifying strengths and areas for growth. This informs the school's summative Continua rating against the four-point scale.




Together, using the A3 FISO continua as a guide – SIT members rated where were are, as a school and where believe we are working at as a school against the four-point achievement scale.


Key questions included: 


Q1. What learning and wellbeing outcomes/experiences informed your assessment and why? (i.e. what levels of attainment/growth/quality were identified in the indicators as most relevant to practices in this core element)

Q2. What practices were identified as areas of strength and what was the impact of these practices on improving learning and wellbeing outcomes or indicators?

Q3. What practices may need to be introduced, strengthened, or adapted to enhance effectiveness in impacting learning and wellbeing outcomes/experiences, including how these connect to improving learning and wellbeing outcomes or indicators?