
Literacy / Education in Faith 

The Prep students have multiple opportunities to apply their letter sound knowledge to write words and structure sentences using tricky words. This term, they are also practising their listening and speaking skills when participating in activities such as acting out stories, reading with a partner and playing games. 


Our focus story in literacy is the story of Zaccheus. This story of Jesus has provided the opportunity for a rich discussion of the positive impact that Jesus has on our lives and how we can treat others with fairness and show forgiveness. A highlight of reading the story of Zaccheus was seeing the students act out the story in small groups. 


The Preps have been investigating and exploring the different ways to subitise and partition numbers between 2 and 10. Board games and Tenzi have supported the students' recall of their number facts and ability to see the number patterns. When students can see the patterns in numbers and the combinations of numbers to make a whole number, they can use these strategies to add and subtract numbers successfully.


This week we have started exploring small doubles. To launch our new concept in Maths, we listened to the story 'Two of Everything. The Preps created their special magic pots, using finger paint and creating identical doubles. Playing board games further supports the students' understanding and application of mathematical concepts.