1/2 T

Education in Faith

We listened to and discussed the parable of 'The Good Samaritan'. 

The Samaritan, helped someone from a different culture, even though their cultures traditionally did not get along at all! Through this parable Jesus is showing us that we can help others, no matter who they are or where they have come from. 

It also reminded us of the Golden Rule - treat others as you would like to be treated. 

Mr Steve came to visit during our lesson and was very impressed that we were able to explain to him that a parable is a story that Jesus told, that has a special message for us. 

Inquiry / Literacy

As part of our 'Celebrating Differences' unit during Inquiry & Literacy time, we have been learning about aspects of Chinese Culture. 

We made Chinese lanterns and wrote a procedural text including a materials list and step-by-step instructions. We played a traditional Chinese game called 'Hawk catching the chicks' and completed some fact writing about traditional foods and important places in China. 



During maths, we have continued our pattern work, focusing on number patterns. 

By looking carefully at a sequence of numbers, we can work out the pattern that is being followed or we can create our own sequence of numbers using a given pattern. 

We have also learnt about the equals sign - it means 'the same as'. We can write an equation in the 'usual way' such as 7 + 5 = 12. But we can also start with the answer like this, 12 = 4 + 8. 

It doesn't matter, as long whatever is on each side is worth the same. 



We have also welcomed Miss Emily to our class. She is a student at the Australian Catholic University and is undertaking her teaching placement with us in 12T for the next few weeks.