From the Deputy's desk

Student Voice Focus Groups


Your child has an opportunity to tell us what they think about our school in a small group forum on Thursday 4 August 2022. Letters and permission notes went home this week. 


This is an important chance for the Department of Education staff to identify systems that will help us to continue to grow a positive school culture that is respectful and inclusive for every student. 


We know that our students have strong opinions about our school. Here is a chance for them to be heard. 


The groups will meet for about an hour and participation is completely voluntary. Groups of six students of similar ages will meet with a facilitator for a relaxed chat. Your child's identity will not be revealed at any stage through the responses. 


Questions may include:

What do you like most about your school?

What do you think about the ____________ program at school? (this may include Stronger Smarter, Unwind, mentoring)

What helps you feel safe at school?

What is one thing the school could do better?

If your child would like to participate (or you would like them to), please make sure their permission note is signed and returned to the office by Tuesday 2 August 2022. 


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this program. 


Ms Christine Hawkins I Acting Deputy Principal