Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator


Charlie F and Nicholas W from Year 6 were part of the boys MacKillop Basketball team and traveled to Tamworth to compete at the NSW PSSA Basketball Championships. The boys played nine games and were crowned the 2023 champions! An incredible achievement for our boys to be part of a wonderful team full of Sydney Catholic Schools representatives. Congratulations to Charlie who received one of the coach’s awards for the tournament for his attitude, behaviour and effort. We are very proud of them!

Rugby League

From the 6th-8th June, Zac B (Year 6) competed at the NSW PSSA Rugby League Championships in Liverpool. He represented the MacKillop Rugby League team. His teammates played well as a team and placed third overall. Well done Zac for the way you represented yourself and the school with pride!



Cross Country


Congratulations to Felicity B, Veronica R, Rory P, Chelsea G, Alana G, Archie C, Lexi D, Finlay K and Oscar A who represented the Sydney Catholic Schools team at the recent MacKillop Cross Country Championships. Alexis D placed 3rd and Chelsea G 4th in their respective age categories and will now progress to the next level. We wish these girls the best of luck!









Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator