Family and Faith

 News from our Family Educator - Ms Tracey Bowler

Did you know that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were essentially refugees in their own country?

This Sunday begins Refugee Week and it is a timely reminder of how lucky we are here in Australia to be free from persecution, political unrest and religious discrimination unlike many who flee their homes because of unsafe living conditions. Here is some information from the Refugee Council of Australia about Refugee Week and how you can refresh your memory on what you know and  learn more about the activities planned for the week.

Refugee Week 2023  Theme: Finding Freedom  

What does it mean to be free?  


To live without the fear of war, to have your basic human rights upheld, to live in equality and without the fear of persecution are just some of the examples of what freedom can entail. Every day millions of people across the world embark on dangerous journeys for the sole purpose of finding safety and freedom. From Australia to nations across the globe, settling into a new environment after experiencing the perils of a refugee’s journey can also provide the opportunity to live, to love and to dream. 

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me - Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,  you did it to me.’    Matthew 25:35-40


Refugee Week Dates


Refugee Week in Australia is always held from Sunday to Saturday of the week which includes 20 June (World Refugee Day). For 2023, it will be held from Sunday 18 June to Saturday 24 June. Refugee Week is a unique opportunity for us all to experience and celebrate the rich diversity of refugee communities through theatre, music, dance, film and other events which take place all over Australia and highlight the aims of the Week. Through Refugee Week, we aim to provide an important opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees to be seen, listened to and valued.


The aims of Refugee Week are:

  • to educate the Australian public about who refugees are and why they have come to Australia;
  • to help people understand the many challenges refugees face coming to Australia;
  • to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our community; to focus on how the community can provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees;
  • for community groups and individuals to do something positive for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people, within Australia but also around the world.

Do you want to get involved in Refugee Week? Here are some simple actions you can take:

  • Share our Canva resources – use our templates to upload to social media and during events during Refugee Week to help us spread the word.  
  • Host a Refugee Week event online or in-person – see full calendar of events or register your own here.
  • Use our resource kit – read through resources, ambassadors and supporting the participation of people with lived experience
  • Host a Share a Meal, Share a Story event – in-person or digitally, gather your friends and family together to share a special meal. With recipes and stories coming from our Refugee Week Ambassadors, this is the perfect way to connect with people and raise much needed funds for the Refugee Council. Register an event and donate here.
  • Check out our list of resources you can use if you are organising an event or want to learn more about refugees and their experiences. Click on the link to learn more:

Family Mass - Confirmation    

Year 6 are looking forward to their Confirmation on Sunday 18th June at 12 noon. Thank you to Mrs Cathy Sammut for taking the time to make all the Confirmation candidates a special badge to wear on the day. Please keep the candidates in your prayers.


Year 1 SPaRS (Stop, Prayer and Reflect)

Year 1 students, parents and carers participated enthusiastically in the recent SPaRs centred on Baptism and Prayer.  Thank you to everyone for taking the time to come along and pray as a class family. Here are some photos to view for your enjoyment.

Fatima Friends

We celebrated the art of play today at Fatima Friends. We are learning to make friends, share with each other and take turns - life long skills! Next week we are visiting the OLF garden to give it a good drink of water. We have had lots of sunshine this week so our garden will need it! I’ll have gloves and 4 watering cans ready to go but you are welcome to BYO. 


Pre - schoolers, toddlers and babies with their parents or carers are all welcome to Friday Fatima Friends at 9.10am after Assembly!


I encourage all families to take up the opportunity to discuss Refugee Week with family members and friends this week and give thanks for our freedom in Australia.


Wishing all our Year 6 Confirmation candidates and their families the gift of wonder and awe in celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit to the students this Sunday.






Tracey Bowler | Family Educator