Spotlight on Curious Learning

Year 6 learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation 

Over the last few weeks Year 6 has been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Today, they attended their Retreat Day which was led by the Lasaillian Mission Team. 


This day provided students with positive experiences and tools to allow them to receive the power, grow the power and use it in a practical way each and every single day. Students were invited to “Receive the Power” of the Holy Spirit and all the gifts that are given to them by God. 


On Sunday, the candidates for Confirmation will receive the Sacrament which will be conferred upon them by Bishop Umbers. 


The students are very excited and we wish them the very best as they take this next step in their faith. 






Miss Tayla Ingram | Year 6 Teacher


Book of the Week

This is a complex narrative about a girl called Chance, who is a black and white thinker until she realises sometimes there are shades of grey. Chance believes she has it all - a loving mother, dog, best friend and neighbour. But when a reality TV team makes over her house, she discovers newspaper cuttings from the past that cause her to question the world as she knows it. Chance finds herself caught between two realities, identities and worlds. This powerful story explores what is true and what is fake in today’s world. 






Miss Melissa Flynn | Literacy Coordinator



Interschool Chess Challenge

Congratulations to Josh B, Ethan B, Nicholas F, Aidan P and Daniel B from Year 5, who represented Our Lady of Fatima at the Interschool Chess Challenge on Thursday. Over 200 students from 19 local primary schools competed in the challenge. 


Each of the Fatima boys played very well and had a number of wins throughout the day. Well done, boys!