Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 


This Sunday candidates from across the Parish will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The Mass will take place at 12.00pm and will be led by Bishop Umbers.


Please keep in your prayers the families and  students who are about to receive this Sacrament 


Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Courage Right  Judgement Reverence & Wonder and awe in God’s presence 

St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal 

In the last Newsletter you might remember reading about the needs of our local Caringbah community……    


Were you surprised and perhaps saddened to hear that ?


The number of women experiencing homelessness has significantly increased over the past few years. The additional stress brought on by the cost of living and housing affordability crisis has caused many older women to find themselves homeless or at risk of being homeless. Particularly vulnerable are women over the age of 55. 


What can we do ? 

During weeks 9 and 10 we are asking the following grades to donate items to support those in need. Our St Vincent De Paul Chapter for Caringbah has made suggestions as to what the local needs are.


Therefore…. The following grades are invited to bring in :


Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2: Gift cards. As some people in need require funds to assist them with daily living, gift cards would be much appreciated. Any amount would be gratefully received. 






Years 3 and 4: Warm clothing items. Socks, gloves, beanies, scarves etc






Years 5 and 6:  Men and Women’s toiletries. A few suggestions are: deodorant, small shampoo/conditioners, tissues, men and women's hygiene products, soap etc




During Weeks 9 and 10 a box will be in your child’s classroom for the collection of donation items. 


Please know that any donation would help to support members of our local community. 

Thank you, we CAN make a difference to the lives of others !!!


Matthew 25:35-37: 'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me

All donations will need to be given by the Wednesday of Week 10 - 28th June

Curriculum news…….

Last week I joined Year 2 for their RE lesson on ‘The Liturgical Seasons of the Church’. The children were able to confidently talk about the Seasons of the Church and were able to recognise the Liturgical seasons and the colour related to the season. They then reflected their understandings through art work and how the Seasons of the year are like the Seasons of the Church. 

Well done Year 2 !  So proud of you !


I also was a part of Kindergarten’s Religious Education lesson on ‘Noah and the Flood’. The students were totally engaged in storytelling led by their teacher and their sense of excitement in hearing about the animals boarding the ark was delightful ! They then responded to the story through writing and sequencing. 

Kinder - you are AMAZING !!!


Have a fabulous week everyone !

  • Please remember to support the St Vincent De Paul Winter appeal..… in whatever way you can !


Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator