News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we approach the halfway point of the school year, we are excited to share the half-yearly reports that are a comprehensive reflection of your child's achievements, as well as their growth and development throughout the Semester.


Our dedicated teachers have carefully assessed each student's performance, taking into account their engagement in class, social and emotional development and overall progress. The reports provide a detailed overview of their strengths, areas for improvement, and suggestions for continued growth.


We encourage you to review the reports with your child and engage in a constructive conversation about their learning journey. Celebrate their accomplishments and discuss ways in which they can enhance their skills further. Remember, these reports are just one snapshot of your child's progress, and we value the holistic development of each student. We encourage you to recognise all their efforts beyond academics, including their social skills, creativity, and personal growth.  The teachers are always available to address any questions or concerns you may have about your child and the half yearly parent teacher interviews will be a wonderful opportunity for you to address any concerns and discuss your child.


Last Tuesday the staff were able to spend the day in reflection and spiritual growth during our Staff Spirituality Day. This special day provided the staff with the opportunity to pause, reflect, and recharge. A mystery bus tour was organised where they experienced “Spirituality on the Bus” in silent reflection and took them to the Reconciliation Church at La Perouse. We celebrated Mass and listened to some members of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Team share some stories. The day finished off with a beautiful coastal walk from Clovelly to Bondi Beach and lunch together in the sunshine. Thank you to Ms Angela Porro from De La Salle who led us in prayer and reflection. 


Thank you parents for supporting us with this time away from school to connect spiritually and deepen our Catholic faith.

Parent Rep Meeting Feedback

Last week a small group of parents met to contribute to the life of the school and make suggestions for fundraising events. A Parent Dinner, Raffle and Silent Auction night was suggested as a possible event early in Term 4. In order for this to occur it requires a team of enthusiastic parents to drive it and coordinate it. Next week I will send out an expression of interest for those willing to put some effort into raising some much needed funds for playground equipment for our students.

Traffic and Parking Concerns

Unfortunately, I have recently had a number of concerned members of the community approach the school to inform us of some inappropriate use of the surrounding areas being used by OLF parents. They have reported parents parking in the Medical Centre and disabled spots (when not using the Centre), blocking neighbour’s driveways and unsafe speeds around the school. Please be mindful of these aspects at drop off and pick up time. We do not want our reputation to be of a negative nature when we have so much to be proud of!

Opening Boots on Carline

Please be aware that when you open your car boot and ask your child to walk between two cars that are not stationary, you are putting them at risk every time. It is not a safe practice and we have asked that you refrain from opening your car boots. 







As we approach the last two weeks of term please go gently with each other. I also invite you to keep our Year 6 students in your prayers who are making their Confirmation this Sunday. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit fill their hearts and kindle in them the fire of your love.



Mrs Sue Clay | Principal