School Captains'


Hey everyone it’s us againnn!


There's A LOT going on at the moment ;)




The end of Weeks 5 and 6 brought with them the conclusion of the school review. Over those past few weeks, a group of students were given the opportunity to talk to the review panel about the things we enjoy about the school and what we believe could be improved in the working and social environment. The review panel was made up of Jeremy Ludowyck (former principal at MHS, who chaired the panel), several challenge partners, and a few parents, all of which spent their highly appreciated time and effort in setting up our next strategic plan. Over the next few weeks, the PCOs will be reflecting on the feedback from the reviewers, and will have the opportunity to implement suggested changes to make the JMSS experience as friendly, collaborative, and successful as possible for our community.


Otherwise, school's been SOOOO busy with all the tests, SACs, exams, assignments, and the GAT in Week 8. It's a lot, but we're so happy to see student life is still buzzing at school. Don't worry! There's a lot to look forward to! 


Of course there's the winter holidays coming up soon! But after that, we're back at it again in Term 3 with OUR VERY FIRST EVER NAIDOC WEEK and of course Harmony Day happening on the 11th of July! The school captains, along with several other people in the NAIDOC week committee, have been working together to plan how the week is going to look, filling it with fun and informative lunchtime activities. Our vision for NAIDOC week is to acknowledge, celebrate, and raise awareness for the Indigenous Australian community's talent, resilience, and culture. Our mission is to include comprehensive and thought-provoking activities sourced from student voices to bring more awareness to and educate JMSS about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Harmony Day (which ordinarily happens on the 21st of March) for JMSS aligns with International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and aims to celebrate the massive diversity we have in our school. It is our tradition to have people dress up in their traditional cultural clothing AND having the highly anticipated Harmony Day assembly where many individuals perform a traditional piece from their culture to the rest of the school.


We can't forget to mention the exciting events for our Year 10s with work experience week as well as the Reef and Rainforest Camp for the Year 11s. The sky is your limit. Have the most fun and make meaningful connections with the people around you in this once-in-twenty-lifetimes opportunity.


With that, we hope everyone has a restful time over the holidays. Take that well deserved break we all know we need. Have a wonderful, splendid holiday!!


PS. Speak Now (Taylor's Version) out on 7th of July! 



~ Alexia Arta, Caitlin Carpenter, Michael Cotugno and Cameron McCutcheon

(Your 2023 School Captains)


Weekly Bulletin


The School Captains and JMSS Noticeboard Committee now create a weekly bulletin to keep staff and students aware of important events during the week. Keep an eye out for these emails and displayed on screens across school.