Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


Well… here we are again at the end of another term! I would like to acknowledge the effort of both staff and students across the first half of this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chris Mann and Caitlin Ryan for stepping into my position at the start of the term. They both did an outstanding job.


Congratulations to our Yr 10s on their first semester at JMSS and completing the short exam period. For many of our Yr 10s, this was the first time they had sat an exam period. I hope they all learned from the experience and take time to reflect on their preparation for each of their exams so that they can refine their approach for the end-of-year exams. Congratulations to all our Yr 11s on completing their Unit 1 studies. I hope they have all enjoyed their exposure to VCE and embrace the challenge so far. And finally, congratulations to our Yr 12s who are half way through their final year of secondary schooling. The end of Term 2 was particularly busy for them, so they all need a bit of down time over the holiday period.


I want to remind the community of our wellbeing email – Community members can use this email to contact the JMSS Wellbeing Team. This email is primarily about allowing JMSS to support a student’s needs outside of the classroom. If the email is of an urgent matter regarding a student’s immediate safety, please type ‘URGENT’ in the title of the email. For academic support, please direct those emails to either the subject teacher or the student’s mentor.


Finally, I wish to remind everyone of several important contacts over the holiday period. If anyone is experiencing significant distress, please contact any of the organisations below; 

I hope staff and students can enjoy a well-earned break.


Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal