Peter Corkill


Dear fellow members of the JMSS Community,


I trust this newsletter finds you all safe and well.

We have just moved through the mid-year exam period for Year 10 students, and the GAT for all students studying one or more Unit 3/4 subjects (which will include all of our Year 12 students and a significant number of our Year 11 students). 


Well done to all of our students who undertook exams and sat the GAT, for many Year 10s this might have been their first experience of examinations!


We have had a busy final week to the term with quite a few trips and out-placements taking place:


  • In this final week of term, the majority of Year 10 students have been signed up for Work Experience. I hope you all have a great experience during your placements! 
  • The annual Reef and Rainforest trip to Far North Queensland also took place this week for a large group of Year 11 students and teachers.
  • Our return exchange trip to partner school Ritsumeikan HS in Kyoto, Japan also took place this week. 

During this week Mr. Jeremy Mackinnon has been Acting Principal as I am overseas on the Ritsumeikan exchange trip and Mr. Luke Bohni will be Acting Assistant Principal.


I have again included a small number of readings of interest for your pleasure. 


The feature on prominent women in science in Australia is inspiring, and the reference to the use of encyclopaedias takes me back to my own schooling days. The kids these days seriously don’t know how lucky they are. Whatever did we do when what we needed to know was NOT in the encyclopaedia? 


I would like to sincerely thank all staff and students for their hard work during this busy term, and I wish everyone a restful and very much restorative holiday break!


Best regards

Peter Corkill
