Early Childhood News

From Pre-Kindy to Year Six, our students are taught Protective Behaviours through the Keeping Safe program. This program teaches child safety and respectful relationships in developmentally appropriate ways for children. The program has two main themes- we all have the right to feel safe and we can help ourselves when to be safe by talking to people we trust. Teaching protective behaviours helps children to feel confident to tell a trusted adult when they don’t feel safe, know their rights, recognise abuse, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and understand ways to keep themselves safe. 

As adults we can help our children to develop strategies to protect and awareness of their own rights. By naming and discussing emotions, practise assertive language particularly when they feel unsafe (eg threatened, in danger, scared, harassed or worried) such as holding a hand up and saying ‘No’ or ‘Stop, I don’t like it when you...’ and knowing what a warning sign might look and feel like, eg seeing someone suddenly get angry, butterflies in tummy, heart beating fast, shivering, can’t move, respecting their boundaries and asking permission when hugging, kissing or changing them, we can give our children the tools they need to stay safe.