Classroom News

Physical Education


Sport has started off with a bang at St Helena’s with preparations for the Interschool Swimming Carnival held in Term 2. The students participated in swimming trials and once the team was selected, training began. We had sensational performances by all the swimmers on the day. Many students placed and achieved personal best times in the pool.

Congratulations to the Year 5 female swimmers, as they broke the record Freestyle relay and Medley relay for their age group. They all placed first in all their Year 5 events over the 3 strokes in breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle. Looking forward to what they will achieve in Year 6.

Running Club

Running club has had a sensational start this term with full preparations for the cross-country carnival to be held in week 10. Well done to all students who have braved the cold weather on a Tuesday and Thursday morning this term. 

Junior and Senior Sports

The excitement of our Junior sport program commenced in term 2 and has been a fantastic opportunity to develop our junior years Fundamental Movement skills in game play. Term 2 focus, had been on the over arm throw and skipping with a rope.  Fantastic to see the development over the weeks. Well done to Year 1 and 2 students.


On a Wednesday afternoon, Senior Sport has seen the development of our Winter sports giving all year groups from Year 3 to Year 6 opportunities to train in Soccer, Netball and AFL. Mrs Bukara has been running her dance program in Term 1 and our liturgical program in Term 2, preparing our students for Performing Arts competition later in the year. 


Our Year 6 students had trained hard for the Winter Carnival held in week 9. Teams played extremely well in all three sports and represented the school with outstanding sportsmanship and determination. One of our Year 6 students, Isaac Dipino had created school banners for the carnival and were displayed with pride at each sport. Well done Isaac and thank you for your contributions.

What has been happening during class PE time

Gymnastics – our gymnastics incursion took place in weeks 2-6 for Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 4 Geckos. The program will be welcomed back in Term 4 for our Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 Koalas.  

The program develops the core fundamental skills of dynamic and static balances, body rotations and develop core strength in our students.  We celebrated the last week of the program with the Gymbus visiting our school, where students could put all their skills to the test in the bus.

Our older students have been learning the game of soccer and AFL this term. Students focussed on dribbling the ball, passing to players in open space, goal keeping and positional play in the game of soccer. AFL has taking us through the key components of handball, marking, and kicking.



In ExACT we have been very busy, creative and have had lots of fun learning! Our Year 6 students finally completed their Cluedunnit! entries, where they were expected to solve a fictitious crime in a creative way.

The Year 5 students were busy walking around the school trying to capture images that represented emotions, but with a catch, they were not allowed to use faces! Year 4 students wondered about the world, in particularly the ‘Seven Wonders of the Natural World’. 

The Year 3 students created their own ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ books on a ‘great’ mind in history. The Year 4 to 6 students also entered the National Schools Poster Competition where they had to employ their mathematical skills, in particular data collection and graphing skills, to research a hypothesis they created. Students created a digital poster displaying their study following a set criterion – Hypothesis, Method, Results, Conclusion, Problems & Solutions – and ensure they were researching real life problems that impacted their daily lives. 

We also competed in the Bebras Challenge – BIG congratulations to the following students: Eva Hutchinson (3), Amelia Dandiwal (3), Javika Goyal (4) and Chloe Callaghan (4) on achieving a Distinction in this round. We also congratulate Joel Drinkall (4) and Emily Millard (4) for receiving a High Distinction. Well done!