Sport & Co-Curricular

Notices and Co-Curricular Information

Senior Co-Curricular Sports

Term 3 Information:

Term 3 sport has commenced, with students playing Round 8 last Saturday 29th July. There is one more round for winter sport before finals commence on Saturday 12th August.  The time and venue for finals on Saturday 12th August and Saturday 19th August will be released a couple of days prior to the game.


Round 9 Fixtures


Term 4 Information: 

The Term 4 nomination form is now open and needs to be completed by Monday 14th August.  This form, named Co-curricular Sport Selections Years 7-12, can be located on Loreto Connect in the Senior Sport, Nominations Section


Intercol Competition 

Loreto is excited to introduce an annual intercollegiate competition commencing this year between Mary Mackillop College and Loreto College. This year our three knockout netball teams will be competing against Mary Mackillop on Wednesday 23 August 4:00pm – 6:00pm. We are hoping this will be fun sporting event for all our students that will strengthen the shared community between our two catholic girl’s schools. We cannot wait to see the Loreto community come together in support of our teams, showcasing the Loreto spirit. 


Knockout Competition 

Our Knockout teams continue to compete in the Statewide Competition representing Loreto well. Some of the results are included below:


Years 9/10 Soccer – Monday 26th June 

Congratulations to our students who represented Loreto at the Statewide Knockout Soccer.  The girls played quality soccer to win the first game 3-0 but unfortunately went down in the second game 1-4.  The standard played was very impressive and our girls displayed amazing skills on the field. Well done girls!


Years 7/8 Netball – Wednesday 28th June 

It was wonderful to see our talented Year 7/8 students represent Loreto so well, playing such high standard netball in the State Knockout Competition.  Although this team is not continuing on to the next round, they should be very proud of themselves.

  • Game 1 Loreto (15) defeated by Heathfield (25)
  • Game 2 Loreto (52) defeated Birdwood (10)
  • Game 3 Loreto (21) defeated by Cornerstone (38)

Years 7 - 9 Football – Thursday 27th July 

Congratulations to our Year 7-9 knockout football girls for winning their first round of the football. The team defeated Charles Campbell 6.10.46 – 3.4.22.  We are excited to see the girls play a second round of games later in Term 3. 



Congratulations to our senior aerobics teams who performed exceptional well at the FISAF State Championships.

  • LC Amplify – 4th Place and invited to the National Championships
  • LC Snap – 3rd Place and invited to the Nationals Championships
  • LC Electric – 5th Place

Our aerobics students compete again this Saturday 5th August at the Blitz It Competition before heading to the Gold Coast to represent Loreto at the National Championships. We wish our teams all the best for the upcoming competitions.

Student Achievements:

We congratulate Jemma and Bronte (Year 7) who have been selected to represent School Sport SA at the School Sport Australia 12 years and under netball - Girls Championship. The competition will be held in Perth, Western Australia from Saturday 9 to Friday 15 September 2023. Well done Jemma and Bronte!


Congratulations to Tilda (Year 7) on being selected in the U13 Girls State Hockey team to play in Newcastle in September (23rd – 29th) this year. We wish her all the best and congratulate her on this amazing achievement. All the match action from the Under 13’s will be shown on LIVEHockey across the carnival.


Annabel (Year 7) had another successful year on the slopes this year, she came third in the Giant Slalom event, SkiX and also Moguls at the Snowsports Interschools Competition. Great work Annabel! 


We would also like to congratulate Phoebe (Year 11), Keira (Year 10) and Portia (Year 9) on being selected in the Sturt Football Development Squads.  We wish them all the best for the upcoming training sessions and games.


Minnie (Year 9) was given the opportunity to be one of four girls to attend the media morning welcoming the China National Women’s team to Adelaide. The first team to arrive for the World Cup.  She did exceptionally well speaking at this event.  Well done Minnie!


As evident above, we have lots of Loreto students achieving great success in sport and it is lovely to celebrate each other’s achievements so please let me know if your daughter has achieved highly in a sport as I would love to be able to share these successes with the College community.


If you have any questions about co-curricular sport please contact me on


Ms Sophie Hage

Leader of Sport and Sport Performance

Junior Sports News

Blitz It Competition

Good luck to our four junior school aerobics teams – Dynamite, Diamonds, Illusion and Thunder – who will be competing in the Blitz It Competition at Golden Grove on Saturday afternoon. It is the final competition in South Australia for this season.


Playing For The Opposition

Our Year 5/6 Blue soccer team kicked off their season against Pembroke on Friday and our opponents were a couple of players down due to injury.


It was great to see a number of our girls take turns filling in for the opposition so that they could field a full team, even though it meant playing against our own team for part of the game.


Occasionally the teams we play against will be short of players. If the opportunity arises to have Loreto players fill in for the opposition, I would like us to grab it for a few reasons:

  • It means more time on the field for our players.
  • Our players will have more opportunities to develop their skills (you can’t improve while on the bench!).
  • We get to play against a full team. Yes, we might win more easily against a team short on numbers but that does nothing for our development plus it isn’t much fun for our poor opponents.
  • It shows good sportsmanship and that we are there for long term development and fun more so than just being worried about winning.
  • It reflects well on our school when players try their best while representing the opposition.

Well done 5/6 Blue!

Student Achievements

Evie Harrison (NAB Auskick) – Evie got to play on Adelaide Oval at half time of the Port Adelaide vs Collingwood AFL match. Playing under lights in front of 50,000 people would have been an amazing experience! Evie was not overawed by the occasion, kicking 2.2 and narrowly pipping brother Hugo for Best-On-Ground honours.


Evie Harrison… again (Magill Athletics Club) – Sporting all-rounder Evie placed 2nd in a 1km Under 8s cross country event at Victor Harbor. Her first podium appearance! The track included two steep hills; one about 350m worth leading up to the finish line and she sprinted up it! 

Sofia Spagnoletti (West Beach Surf Life Saving Team) – Sofia competed at the Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue Championships during the school holidays. Sofia and her teammate Jade place first in the U13 100m patient tow and managed to break a state record! She also placed 3rd in the brick carry, 3rd in the line throw team event, and 3rd in the brick carry relay event. She is off to Nationals on the Gold Coast at the beginning of August.  Good luck Sofia!

If your daughter is involved in sport outside of Loreto and you would like to share an achievement, please send through to Ben at


Netball Returns

All our netball teams were back in action on Saturday. Some narrow wins, some narrow losses and a couple of big wins for our girls.


Our Loreto Blue Sub Junior 7 team managed to knock off the top team!


Well done also to the Sub Junior 8s who had a fantastic win against their much, MUCH bigger and older opponents. Kalani and Emilie gelled in the goal circle; midcourters Emelia, Camilla and Tiana ran tirelessly all game; and circle defenders Asha and Savy picked up countless intercepts against their taller opponents. Coach Sophia was delighted with the work rate and teamwork on display. 

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”


Basketball is Back

Our Loreto Swish basketball team resumed matches last night with a tight tussle against St Aloysius. After a slow opening, we got moving in the second half and scores were tied at 10-10 approaching full time. Two-pointers to Beatrice and Erin put us up 14-10 with 3 minutes left before St Aloysius scored to make it a two-point margin. Isabelle stepped up her defensive pressure and we managed to keep turning the ball over in a frantic closing minute. A basket to Greta gave us some breathing room and we ran out winners 16-12. A fantastic start to the term! Well done to Trisha and Eliza who were playing in their first game for the school.


Cross Country

A team of Loreto runners from Year 3-6 will be competing in the Catholic Schools Cross Country Event in the east parklands on Thursday August 10th. A 2km course snakes its away around the ovals near Christian Brothers College. Schools from all over Adelaide will be competing.


Tennis Lessons

Our junior school tennis sessions with the Todd Perry Tennis Academy started early this term. It is fantastic to see 39 aspiring little Ash Bartys running around the courts! This week we saw some sizzling forehands, accomplished backhands… and also one lost ball over the fence.

Mini Soccer World Cup

With the Matildas continuing through to the Round of 16 following their amazing 4-0 win over Canada, interest in soccer is sky-high. Loreto’s Year 3-6 classes have all been invited to play in our own Soccer World Cup later this team. Players will be split into teams of 4-5 players, with each team representing a country from the World Cup. Teams will play 3 mini matches with a prize on offer for the World Cup winner. The event will be held on Friday September 1st after lunch on the Loreto oval.



Year 3 netballers Sienna, Eva and Calista came up to me before school to tell me they’d dared Eva to eat the pebble that she was holding.


What on earth…? “That doesn’t sound like a very good ide- No! Eva don’t! You’ll hurt your teeth!”


As I looked on in horror, the girls dissolved into fits of giggles. It dawned on me that I’d been had. The “pebble” as it turned out was a small piece of chocolate that looked a bit like a pebble.


Year 3 netballers 1 – Me 0


Summer Sport in the Junior School

Nominations for Term 4 sport will open soon! Sports available include netball, volleyball, basketball, AFLW, tennis and cricket. Information will be sent to parents in Week 3.


Mr Ben Johnswood

Sport Coordinator