Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
With Australia and New Zealand the epicentre of women’s sport for the coming weeks while the 2023 Women’s Football World Cup takes place, much can be observed in the leadership displayed by the players, coaches and administration staff.
The one on many Australian’s lips is Sam Kerr. As well as being the greatest women’s player on the planet at the moment, she is also captain of the Matildas.
Kerr’s team-mate, Steph Catley stated that she is unapologetically herself which makes a fantastic leader who is true to her values. This leads to creating horizontal relationships where she sees her team-mates as equals, allowing them to be naturally themselves too. Kerr’s relationship with pressure also allows her to relax, turn it into a positive and make the most of each opportunity. “Pressure is a privilege and I love pressure.”
Catley also said, “….. she also has developed into a very intelligent leader who thinks very emotionally, that thinks a lot about other people, that will stand up for what’s right, who has a really powerful voice, will speak up no matter what, leads by example, and is just a really good person.”
Along with being an Indigenous Australian, it is hard to find a better role model of a human being for our girls to aspire, regardless of what happens in the upcoming matches.
At Loreto, there are many formal but just as importantly, informal, avenues for leadership and it is wonderful to witness the growth in our girls when they dedicate themselves to these positions. We know that without leadership being a challenge, adaptations would not occur, and growth would become stagnant. Many of the greatest moments in leadership are in the darkest times and their messy and imperfect nature, often are what make them so special. We mention to the girls they have 2 options when obstacles are placed in their path, to embrace them as part of the journey, or to feel annoyed and negative towards them. Only one of these paths will help them reach the destination they want.
Last week the Semester 2 Junior School leaders were inducted, whilst the Year 11’s took part in a leadership day that included a hike at Morialta Falls and key sessions listening to previous Head Girl Mollie Evans (2021) and Skye Sexton (2020) and actively looking at leadership attributes, power of communication and specifically female leadership.
The Year 11’s have commenced their leadership applications with a desire to lead in a chosen area through 2023 and 2024.
We wish them all the best and hope they keep in mind the lessons provided by their family, Old Scholar leaders, teachers, Sam Kerr and their own experiences, which has helped shape them to where they stand now.
Do yourself a favour and google Jacinta Arden’s farewell speech to Parliament for some inspiration.
Matildas star Sam Kerr primed to thrive under World Cup spotlight | PerthNow
Around the College
Transport and using correct drop off zones.
Please ensure parents and caregivers are NOT using Gate one (from Portrush Road) after 8am for school drop off, near the Performing Arts Centre
All student pick up and drop off should be via Talbot Grove or alternative, suitable side roads, near the College.
Student Attendance
Planned Non-attendance Request:
In accordance with the education Act 1972, for a student to be eligible for exemption from attendance at school temporarily (greater than 10 school days), a written request for day and Boarding students for non-attendance must be forwarded to the principal.
The written request must include the reasons for exemption, the time period the exemption is to occur and any relevant supporting documentation, for example, letter from medical professional.
As it is at the principal’s discretion to approve a request for non-attendance at the College, it is important that the request be provided as early as possible prior to the non-attendance date.
Common reasons for exemptions include:
- Family travel or holidays
- Participation in a sporting event or training required for elite sport
- Participation in external performing events, such as, musicals, film or theatre productions
- Medical or health reasons
- Disability or behaviour problems requiring part-time exemption from school
- Exchange program
Any planned non-attendance of more than 2 days requires the written consent by the principal.
Non-attendance: School Events
Non-attendance at school events, including the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals,
Awards Evening, Performing Arts Festival and Special Event Days all require written permission from the principal.
Are your daughters getting enough sleep?
- 5-13 years = between 9 and 11 hours of sleep per night
- 14-17 years = between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night
Interesting read
Australian teens not getting enough sleep | Australian Institute of Family Studies (
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
SEAD Across the College
Welcome back to Term 3.
This semester we have a Provisional Psychologist R-12, Isabella Zoppi, who has joined the Psychological Service. Isabella is completing her master’s degree in Professional Psychology at Flinders University and has experience working with children, adolescents and their families. Isabella will be working two days a week, Thursdays and Fridays.
L to R: Emma Keech (College Psychologist R-12), Monica Bignold (Lead College Psychologist R-12) and Isabella Zoppi (Provisional Psychologist R-12).
As always, if you have any specific concerns about your child or young person, please contact your daughter’s Classroom Teacher, or Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School and ELC, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor Teacher in the Senior School.
Monica Bignold
Lead College Psychologist R-12