Year 6 News


NAIDOC week was from the 2 - 9 July. NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee) celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 


Last week we were inspired by Bobbi Lockyer, who won the 2023 National NAIDOC week poster competition. We had a chance to create our own NAIDOC week posters. We enjoyed creating art by using colour, shapes, symbols and contrast.

Here are some examples below.



Year 6 Exhibition

Exploration of Interests and Passions Inspires Learning and Innovation

We are currently in the Communicate/Evaluate stages of our Exhibition and the journey is coming to an end. We are finishing our prototypes and preparing our presentations and displays. 


We are very excited for our Exhibition, which opens on Wednesday 26 July at 3pm for family members and school staff. On Thursday 27 July the school community will be invited from 11am – 3:30 pm. 



  • Open Night (Parents and Teachers) - Wednesday 26 July 3:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Community Day (Students and Teachers) - Thursday 27 July - 11:30am - 3:30pm
  • Location: Senior Learning Centre 


By Riley 6A & Harper 6B